Adorable fluffy puppies get you weak in your knees? Well, we don’t blame you. But there is a lot that goes into nurturing their glorious mane. These beautiful coats need a lot of care and effort: lots of brushing and in some cases, lots of shedding. However, if you feel like you’re ready to put in the time and effort and care for your lovely fur babies, then check out the following breeds. They could be your next best friend!
A poodle has to be #1 on any fluffy puppies list. Elegant. Proud. Clever. Poodles are impressive dogs, as the many best-in-show winners from this dog breed can attest. Their fluffy coats require proper grooming, but they can be styled in many different ways! These dogs are loyal, energetic, and very intelligent. They are also highly trainable.
Tiny dogs, but high in the fluffy quotient. They are an adaptable breed and can live with almost anyone, although they may bark a bit, so you need to think of ways to keep your neighbours happy too. They have long smooth coats that need brushing every day. You should also check with your local groomers for subscription plans. A tangled or dirty coat can lead to skin infections, as well as eye and ear problems. It’s a good idea to keep their coats shorter during warmer periods of the year.
Descended from large sledge pulling breeds, the Pomeranian is an active little toy dog that comes with quite a lot of fur attached. Poms may be small, but they don’t always act that way and may even challenge larger dogs. They are also quite the barkers. A pom’s coat is thick, soft and fluffy. Poms need a lot of grooming and attention, even for a fluffy dog, and you’ll need to be brushing them every few days or so. They also come in a wide variety of solid colors, with red, orange, white or cream, blue, brown, or black being the most common.
Bichon Frises are affectionate, loyal, and friendly. But despite their tiny stature, they are brave and feisty. Their coat has a smooth, silky texture with curls. Bichon Frises are hypoallergenic – this means they’re less likely to cause allergic reactions in humans.They’re super playful and intelligent, and even novice pet parents and apartment dwellers will get along great with these dogs. Grooming is a must! Once again, check with your local groomer on that subscription plan.
The Chow Chow is seriously fluffy. They have a thick coat and heavy mane; much like a lion. They are seriously cute but may not necessarily be the best choice to be your cuddle buddy. They look like teddy bears. but don’t be fooled, these adorable little pups soon grow into big, powerful dogs that need lots of exercise and grooming. Chow Chows are very wary of strangers, and need lots of training and socialisation. Novice pet parents beware.
If you’re looking to get yourself one of these adorable fluffy puppies, you can click on the links in the titles of the breed, <<<click here>>> check out all the ones on Camlist